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JAMAICA 2000   Annual Report 2018 – 19

Members of Jamaica 2000 have been active during the year, with some issues to campaign on and Directors meeting were held as required as required. However it was decided not to work on fundraising, but rather work on developing our links and relationships with Learning Links International, the Jamaica Wales Alliance and the North Wales Jamaica Society, as well as colleagues in Jamaica.

Liz Millman self-funded a visit to Jamaica in June 2018 to follow up school links in Jamaica and revive other links there. This proved very successful in regenerating interest in the “Jamaica Wales Alliance”. This is managed by Learning Links International and is supported by the Jamaican High Commission. See www.jamaicawalesalliance.com

Discussions with the Jamaican High Commission resulted in a visit being made by the Jamaican High Commissioner to tour Wales in August 2018. The work and activities of Jamaica 2000 were showcased during the visit, as there were opportunities when travelling to discuss and share information. The Jamaican High Commission were delighted that visits were arranged to meet the Windrush Cymru Elders and also to meet the community in Bute Town in Cardiff docks. In North Wales a Civic Reception was put on by the City of Bangor with the all protocols observed, as well as visits to Bangor University and the Denbigh Show.

During the year discussions continued to clarify the next steps with the Jamiekan Language Project, as over the years Jamaica 2000 has achieved a great deal, especially in gaining recognition for Jamiekan/Jamaican as a language. Unfortunately staff changed at the University of the West Indies Jamaican Language Unit have delayed getting agreement about their input.

Despite our efforts the British Council did not change the policy which excludes Jamaican School links, so initial attempts were made during the year through the “Widening Horizons” Project to create online links.

Our application for funding for the recognition of Windrush day in England was unsuccessful but the challenge made by Liz Millman to the Welsh Government about not planning to provide funds in Wales resulted in £55,000 being distributed to BME organisations across Wales.
Thanks go to our team members for continuing to keep focussed on Jamaican interests, in a range of different ways and for investing a great deal of their own time and energy into maintaining the momentum started almost 20 years ago. 

Stephen Brooks

Chairman: Jamaica 2000

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