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2020  - celebrating 20 years on!

This year we need to tell our story! Our archive of Annual Reports will help, but we also need to recognise the enormous contributuion that our Directors and volunteers have given in addition to activities not necessarily carried out under the name of "JAMAICA 2000". Thanks to everyone involved!

The original aims of the organisation stated at the launch in May 1999 were:

to support the development of educational links with Jamaica especially with the JAMAL Foundation

to research and provide education and training in relating to gaining respect and recognition for Jamaican language and culture

Now 20 years on the achievements of Jamaica 2000 are:

 Adult Literacy: maintenance of  links with the Jamaica Foundation for Lifelong Learning (JfLL) which was JAMAL and is now part of HEART NTA, providing over 800 computers, consultancy, training and resources

 Training Trainers: the management over 30 DfID HE link visits to Jamaica and to UK for 4 years to enable sharing of good practice in adult education in Family Learning, Workbased Learning and Use of IT in Learning Centres

 School Links: the development the Widening Horizons links between UK and Ja Schools, The Jamaican Ministry of Education and Local Authorities supporting two Local Authority exchange visits.

 Research: Management of initial UK research into recognition of Caribbean Languages through conferences and other approaches eg Summer School at University of the West Indies in 2007 and attendance by Jamaica 2000 delegates at the 2011 Conference for Caribbean Linguists

 Recognition: for Jamaican Language and Culture – working with Prof Hubert Devonish at the Jamaican Language Unit, University of the West Indies and the UK Institute of Linguists to support the development of the Caribbean and African Languages Network and gaining accreditation to A Level standard for 'Jamaican Language and Culture' through the Awarding Body Consortium

 Awards: included gained CILT Languages Award for Jamaican Language and Culture

 Celebrating success: Two Jamaica 2K team members: Joslyn Ross (2003) and John McAnuff (2008) recognised as the Senior Learners of the Year in UK. In 2011 Liz Millman was presented with a Special Recognition Award by the Association of Jamaica Nationals.

 Successful fund finding:  Awards for All, Heritage Lottery and other funding

 Raised awareness: about Jamaican publications for children and adults

 Successful research: into the Roots and Development of Rastafari in the West Midlands

 Involvement in UK based initiatives: the REACH National Mentoring Programme, offering accredited courses, mentoring for young people, facilitated establishment of Wolverhampton Black Business Network

Now with Black Lives Matter there is the need to challenge racism and to understand better our shared histories, as well as supporting the celebration of Jamaican culture and achievements.

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