JAMAICA 2000 Annual Report 2016 – 17
Members of Jamaica 2000 have been active during the year, with Directors meeting as required However due to personal commitments and changes it was decided not to work on fundraising, but rather work on developing our links and relationships with colleagues in UK and Jamaica.
During the past year the Jamaica 2000 team have taken a supportive role with the development of several new initiatives, with a view to relaunching and rebranding Jamaica 2000 at some stage.
In Sept 2016, Jamaica 2000 was represented in a Welsh delegation visit to Jamaica, which resulted in the establishment of the “Jamaica Wales Alliance”. This is to be managed by our sister organisation, Learning Links International, and is supported by the Jamaican High Commission. See www.jamaicawalesalliance.com
One of the ideas which came out of the visit is to support the development of Jamaica Culture Clubs in UK, working with the Jamaican Commission for Cultural Development JCDC, and the Jamaican High Commission. The JCDC team are interested in working with Jamaica 2000 in taking this forward.
The visit also gave Liz Millman and Audrey West the opportunity to visit Professor Hubert Devonish at the “Jamiekan Langwij Unit” at the University of the West Indies to get an update and to explore possibilities for the next steps with the Jamiekan Language Project, as over the years Jamaica 2000 has achieved a great deal, especially in gaining recognition for Jamiekan/Jamaican as a language.
Jamaica 2000 has been successful in setting up, organising and supporting countless teacher exchange visits and school links over the years, but the British Council does not currently support Jamaican School links, so our “Widening Horizons” Project has been on hold.
During the year we have explored links with “Promoting our Heritage”, which is a very successful enterprise set up and managed by Jamaica 2000 Director, Garfield Robinson, and the development of educational packages could be a focus for the future.
The Jamaica 2000 team have also continued to support the North Wales Jamaica Society and Learning Links International’s activities and research into Black History in Wales, with a successful project on the links between poetry in Jamaica and Wales. Jamaican Dub Poet, Yasus Afari linked with Welsh Poets to explore the significance of Welsh Eisteddfod in Jamaica.
Thanks go to our team members for continuing to keep focussed on Jamaican interests, investing a great deal of their own time and energy.
Stephen Brooks
Chairman: Jamaica 2000
JAMAICA 2000 Financial Report 2016/17
There has been no significant income or expenditure this year, as the team and our activities have been supported as part of other initiatives, however plans are in hand to explore Project funding to take forward our main project ideas: recording the story of our efforts to gain recognition for Jamaican as a language, support for the development of Jamaican Culture Clubs, and the development of educational resources relating to Jamaica.
Liz Millman
Acting Treasurer: Jamaica 2000