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2023 Update
In 2020 the Directors of Jamaica 2000 agreed to celebrate 20 years of activities by:
- refocusing on projects within the Jamaican communities in UK, and to support recognition of the Windrush Generation
- telling the story of our work to gain recognition for Jamaican as a language and the implications for eduators
- working with other groups in the UK to develop intergenerational Jamaican Culture Clubs with support from the Jamaican Cultural Development Commission JCDC
- supporting project work in Jamaica exploring the possibilities of stepping in to support UK / Jamaica school links now that the DfID has pulled its support
- and changing our name to JAMAICA HERITAGE LINKS.
However many our efforts were put on hold when Covid hit - however we decided to do what we could:
- refocusing on projects within the Jamaican communities in UK, and to support recognition of the Windrush Generation
In 2020 JHL linked up with the North Wales Jamaica Society with support from Welsh Government funding to explore 'Windrush Words'
In 2023 JHL linked with Learning Links International and Justice for Windrush Generations on 'Black History Conversations' running a special series of weekly Zoom sessions to support Windrush Ambassadors to address the challenges of the trauma experienced by victims of the Windrush debacle. JHL also supported the set up of the Windrush Ambassadors Network.
- telling the story of our work to gain recognition for Jamaican as a language and the implications for educators
Links have been maintained with the Jamaica Language Unit
- working with other groups in the UK to develop intergenerational Jamaican Culture Clubs with support from the Jamaican Cultural Development Commission JCDC
This has remained on the backburner
- supporting project work in Jamaica exploring the possibilities of stepping in to support UK / Jamaica school links now that the DfID has pulled its support
JHL has supported a Welsh Government initiative called TAITH exploring links between Welsh and Jamaican schools - as yet little progress has been made
JAMAICA 2000 - Background and 20 years of activities!
- see our Annual Reports - link to them from Home page then hover on "Our Annual Reports tell the Story"
JAMAICA 2000 was initially established in 1999 to support the development of community learning centres across the island of Jamaica. The focus was to support the introduction and use of computers to provide information communication and learning technology for existing and new adult literacy initiatives.
Since then JAMAICA 2000 has enabled close links to be established between people involved in education and training in the UK and Jamaica, with support from a wide range of organisations including the UK Government through the Department of International Development (DfID).
Our Annual Reports tell fascinating stories of the activities of an innovative, sometime quiet, but very active organisation!
And check out www.spanglefish.com/jamiekan for more about Di Jamaiekan Nyuu Testiment